COVID 19 Updates

With concerns about COVID-2019 deepening, we want you to know that multiple agencies at the local, state, and federal levels are working together to best respond to this pandemic. First and foremost, we are following the guidance of our local health officials. Communication is ongoing as this is a fluid situation and state and national guidance is changing daily, if not hourly. DSD Pandemic plan was approved at the School Board Meeting on March 9, 2020. You can read that here:…/142550-fe2e94a9-1890-4681-bcc9-cce…

Since this situation is changing rapidly, DSD will be providing an update each morning, including information across South Dakota, as well as any information that directly affects the Douglas School Community. We are closely monitoring the spread of the disease and will do what is recommended to best safeguard the health and welfare of our school community.

Updates will include:
*Cases reported, confirmed, or being tested in South Dakota by the Department of Health. You can read the full report here:


*Cases reported, confirmed, or being tested within the Douglas School Community. At this time, we DO NOT have any reports of cases or anyone being tested for COVID-2019 in the Douglas School Community, including both staff and students.

In the meantime, custodians will continue to clean schools thoroughly. Disinfectant wipes are also available to Douglas School staff members to wipe down tables, desktops, door handles, and other touch points where germs and infection are often found. As the CDC suggests, the best advice is to wash your hands frequently to lower the risk of spreading germs. You should not send students to school if they show any symptoms of illness and seek medical attention if flu-like symptoms exist.

Additional resources can be found here:
South Dakota Dept. of Health:

Thank you, DSD