Purple Star Designated Schools

The Purple Star Designation is awarded to military-friendly schools that have demonstrated a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.

To be designated as a Purple Star School, DSD schools had to meet rigorous qualification criteria.

There is no one-size-fits all for these programs; however, the following requirements are a must:
1. Designate a staff point of contact for military students and families. 
The individual can be a counselor, administrator, teacher, or other staff 
2. Establish and maintain a dedicated page on its website featuring 
information and resources for military families. 
3. Maintain a student-led transition program. 
4. Provide professional development for additional staff on special 
considerations for military students and families.

A Purple Star School program offers states the following benefits:
• All states have obligations under the Interstate Compact on Educational 
Opportunity for Military Children. Although the Purple Star School 
program is not funded by or associated with the Military Interstate 
Children's Compact Commission (which administers the Compact), a
statewide Purple Star School program shares the Compact’s goals of 
ensuring that military children transition successfully into new schools 
and stay on track for graduation.

• It helps protect state revenue. The U.S. military is now including the 
quality of K-12 schools near military facilities as part of its calculus in 
deciding future basing and personnel decisions. Communities with 
Purple Star Schools can help retain bases and attract military families 
who bring economic benefits to local communities. 

• Purple Star Schools foster diverse, inclusive and supportive school 
environments through their initiatives and trainings, which serves all 
students, regardless of military connection.

Douglas Schools are the first schools in the state to receive the designation Douglas School District becomes first in South Dakota to receive Purple Star Designation - KNBN NewsCenter1